Friday, July 15, 2011

Thank the lord for Streaming! But to hell with automatic lights.....

So imagine the scene.....

I have been having a few issues lately in the old bowel movement area so it takes me more than a little while to go to the loo.  I have thankfully found solace in my phone as i have NetFlix on it so I have been able to watch Downton Abbey to pass the time....and a movement lol!

My building is like a blackspot for my cellphone signal but luckily the 3rd cubicle in from the door has a spike in the signal and if i rest it on the loo roll holder it works a charm. 

The only issue is the stupid lights!!!  Our bathroom lights at work turn off automatically if there is no movement for more than 5 minutes!!!! i then find myself plunged into darkness.  So then I have to rip the spare loo roll out and throw it over the door to re engage the lights.

It has now become a frantic race between me and the lights.  I find myself puffing and panting to try and finish before darkness.  Hey at least it gives me lamaze practice.

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