Friday, March 16, 2012


As I am now officially not pregnant anymore and have my baby girl here this blog has now come to a conclusion. Fear not though my readers as I now have a new one.

To follow my journey as I raise my 2 girls, dog and husband please click here
I look forward to seeing you xxxx

Thursday, March 15, 2012

The future! New Blog announcement

Hello everyone. Way back in July 2011 I started this blog more for my own peace of mind and as a memory keeper. As it went on more and more I suddenly realized I had 10000 viewers!!!!! How amazing. I really relished typing my thoughts and getting emails from people stating how much they related to my posts.

As the pregnancy drew to an end I realized, I really like doing this. This cannot be the end! So I am pleased to announce that I will be blogging on a new updated blinged out blog about raising 2 girls and the challenges and rewards of this. The site will be live from tomorrow and features an RSS feed.

The website domain will be released on a post tomorrow morning.

Watch this space and I look forward to sharing my experiences with you xxx

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Wear light colours please

Seriously ladies. Even if it is middle of winter, don't wear dark coloured tops if you are breast feeding. I have leaked through several tops now. Usually when my daughter cries I get a sudden "whoosh"feeling as my milk lets down and I slowly feel my bra fill up. I have pads in my bra for such an incident but I have that much milk that it still leaks when they get saturated.

It feels so grose. It's hard to feel clean when this happens. I mop it up but it is still grose.

Light coloured tops don't show up the leaks as much as dark tops so you may need to alter your wardrobe a bit.

Coming home

It is now Wednesday 22nd Feb. today is going home day. Typically you get 48 hrs in the hospital for a normal birth. I was actually allowed home a little early. I actually checked out at noon. So there is a mountain of paperwork you have to go through. It's almost like the closing on a house. There are several tests also done on your baby. One is a hearing test. Thankfully mine passed with flying colours. There are also some vaccines given and your child's jaundice levels will be checked.

Mine was a little yellow but not enough to warrant worry. Breasted babies do take a little longer to get the right billuribin levels.

I had a shower which was the best friggin shower in the world! It was not the nicest looming shower but oh my god after feeling as mucky as a pigs scrotum it was AMAZING!!!!!! I just stood there sighing at the fact I could finally have water hotter than my own spit. It was kinda grose at the same time as I was washing my belly and it was all wobbly and hollow. Really not a good look. I didn't care though as I was up and walking. It felt so good to be Independent.

Once I was ready I got baby ready and we were ready to go home. I swear it was more hassle taking my dog home from the shelter than it was taking my baby home lol!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

What happens to baby in the first few hours

Many milestones will occur.  First wash. First clothes. First Diaper. First look at mummy and daddy.

Your baby will be weighed.  Mine was 7 pound 7 ounces.  They will also be measured in length and head circumference.  Mine was 21 inches long and head circumference was 34 cm.

They also put this clear lotion into babes eyes.  This is an antibacterial cream to stop their eyes getting any infection.  It may make their vision a bit blurry but they can only see a couple of inches in front of their face anyway.

They get a wash,  they cannot be bathed until the left over umbilical cord drops off but they have a simple washcloth bath.  Then it is on with the pink and blue hat and white shirt.  Then they will be swaddled up in the hospital blanket.

Fully suited and booted they will now be handed back to you.  This is of course assuming all goes well with mummy and baby.

first separation anxiety.....

You may wonder where baby sleeps while you are recovering.  They have a nursery in the hospital with great nurses who take care of baby for you.

I will warn you that this is one of the hardest rings to do in the world.  You need to sleep so USE IT!!!!! you won't have this luxury at home, especially if you are breastfeeding.  Its all down to you once you get home so don't feel bad, don't feel guilty.  It is there to ensure that YOU get some rest.

The hardest mental battle is you wondering if you are a bad mother by asking for them to take the baby to the nursery.  Once you admit that you need rest it will become easier.

They will know if you wish to breast or bottle feed and they will bring baby to you on a regular schedule.  I manage to get 3 hours sleep at a time.  It was sorely needed.  I also had people come in to check my temperature and uterus height.  This was the really gross part.  There will be some quite moderate bleeding that will last some time.  The nurses need to make sure that the uterus is voiding blood and keep an eye on the amount.  To do this they roll their hand down your tummy over your uterus.  It is a little uncomfortable and pretty disgusting as you feel the blood gush out.  It is only done about 4 or 5 times and then when they are satisfied they will stop.

What happens now?

So congratulations,  you had your baby.  You are probably wondering what happens now.  I was left in the labor and delivery suite for a couple of hours just myself, my husband and new daughter.  This gives us time to bond.  i also was conscious that I wanted to start feeding her.  This is the really amazing part.  When you place your nipple near babes lips they instinctively start rooting to get a feed.  How do they know how to do that?????  Its just so spectacular to watch.

When you breastfeed you will notice some sharp pains in your abdomen, almost like a contraction.  This does pass after a couple of days.  This is the natural hormones released by breastfeeding stimulating the uterus to contract back down to the normal size.  They have lactation specialists at most hospitals and birthing centers and I would highly advise you meet with them as some kids latch on real well, some kids need a little more training.  Mother and child will get their own knack sorted out and what works for one child may not work for another.  If the baby doesn't latch on properly it can leave to sore and cracked nipples.

You will most likely after about 2 weeks of feeding get sore and cracked nipples anyway so take note and persevere.  It does get better.  Trust me you could stick red hot pins through mine and I wouldn't have a clue!  They get to be like rubber.  You can either use a pure lanolin cream to soothe them or alternatively good old breast milk.  Just rub a bit over your nipples and let it soak in. God this sounds raunchy doesn't it lol!  You can also buy nipple shields which are plastic covers that go over your nipples and still let the baby feed.

Once the staff are ready you will most likely be transferred to a post partum room or recovery room.  these have much more comfortable beds.  At the birthing center I was at, they have a tradition where you push a bell on the wall to signify another baby being born.  it plays a lullaby across the main floor.  Its so sweet.

I was in post partum and ready to take up residence for a couple of days.  it is usually 48 hours for a normal delivery.  I figured I would be there till late on Wednesday night or even Thursday morning.

So what the heck does natural childbirth feel like

In a word its like crapping a metal spiked football.

In hindsight, thinking about it, the most painful part was when the bag of waters started to come out and it was trying to come out very quickly.  I felt the renowned sting and burn as my poor lady bits stretched to the max.  My advice ladies, DONT STOP PUSHING just because it burns.  push through the burn so that it will be over quicker.

I could also feel the baby's head sat in my pelvis and feel the sensation of the shoulders coming through.  It is such a bizarre feeling but I knew then that relief was in sight.  Once the bag of waters broke it was all over very quick.  Passing the head and shoulders didn't really hurt it was just a matter of shut the hell up and concentrate on pushing.

My arms look like a recovering heroine addicts as I had several attempts to get an IV in for fluids and if i was going to have pain meds.  Sadly as i was so dehydrated my veins were hiding.  I have track marks and bruises all up mu arms.  This didn't really hurt too much as I was a tad preoccupied at the time.

I am so glad i didn't poop this time aswell.  With me being on my hands and knees it would have been a bit rude to deliver my baby girl and then crap on her.  Mind you she did pee on me so fair is fair lol!!!

I should have known things were progressing as I had several loose bowel movements in the day.  Usually a sign that things will happen soon.  I didn't have my bloody show till I got top the hospital so thats why i was caught off guard.

Many of you may wonder if there is any pain afterwards.  My response is that every one is different.  What I will say is that for me there was a huge amount of relief and instantly the pain went away.  Again, this was probably the adrenaline.

Aftermath and awe

I have been home with baby now for 8 days and wanted to take time to reflect and just put up a few posts of my thoughts and recollections of what was one of the most amazing experiences.

Immediately after the birth I had the giggles and was just in shock at how quick it had all been.  A lot of people have asked me why i left it so late to go into the hospital and the answer is, i had no idea i was so far on in labor.  Sounds silly even though this is my second pregnancy but i had back labor last time and the baby was facing the wrong way round.  It was therefore much more painful.  I figured I'm probably about 5 cm so seen as the pain is so bad lets go on in to hospital.

Little did i know that i was 7 cm and i would progress to 10 cm and pushing within 20 minutes of getting to hospital.  I can't believe it was that close.

With regards to my physical condition after delivery all i can say is i felt AMAZING!  I did have to have a few stitches as my tear from my first delivery opened again but it was no where near as bad as last time.  it is just a 2nd degree laceration.  My adrenalin was pumping so hard I remember my legs shaking so hard as my midwife was stitching me up.  They have the best cure for this though, they have these warm blankets that they put over you and it feels SO good!!!!!!!

I remember watching my husband cut the cord.  Again this is something I missed last time as I was so out of it and I was laid flat so I couldn't see anything.  That was nice to see.

The next part is obviously gross nut I did say I would tell all.  The delivery of the placenta or afterbirth.  This is just a really weird feeling.  basically the next contraction following the birth you just do a light push and you feel this warm floppy thing come away.  Its not exactly pleasant but it is the official sign you are no longer pregnant.  Plus it means the baby has now had its buffet cut off so its down to us mammas and our fun bags to provide, OR for the bottles of formula to come out.  No matter which way you choose there is no right or wrong.  Myself personally I breastfed both of mine.  I have been very fortunate to do that.  Some people may not be able to breast feed for one reason or another and that is fine.  Don't let anyone tell you any different, you are that baby's mummy and what you choose to do is the right thing for you and your family.

I just remember laughing at how funny the whole situation was.  I just kept looking down at my new baby girl and just being amazed at what we had made.  She was so placid.  She just laid there and enjoyed the cuddles.

Friday, February 24, 2012

I'm not gonna make it!!!!!

Well I get in the car and by this time it is now like I am say straddling a circular saw!!!! Also the contractions are suddenly getting back to back. I was literally screaming in the car. It was 6.30pm and we made our way to the hospital on what seemed the most pot holed road ever. He also realized he was speeding and had to ease off the gas.

7pm and we reached the hospital. By now I feel like I am about to push her out. We pulled up to the valet parking and the chap there ran to grab me a wheelchair. I made my way up to the 8th floor for labor and delivery still yelling. As I exited the elevator my midwife took one look at me and rushed me into a delivery room. I was now asking for drugs! If I can't get any there I was considering sending husband out to go get some from the bad side of town.

My midwife checked me and I was 7cm dilated. I had to have blood drawn for the drugs and have an IV. They tried 4 times before successfully putting in an IV as I was dehydrated. My advice ladies, drink LOTS of fluids when in labor.

7.10pm and my IV is in and All of a sudden I realized I had to push. My midwife said really???? She checked me and felt the head crowning. All of a sudden the room was full of people and they were all rushing to get everything ready.

I asked if I could get onto my hands and knees and kind of squat for delivery, before I knew it I was pushing and I could feel the bag of waters bulging out. Now There's a visual! I must have looked like one of those key chain pigs that you squeeze and poo comes out. I also finally had my bloody show. If you ask my husband the whole thing was a bloody show lol!

I then felt the water break and instantly I had to push again. I now realized it was too late for drugs. My mind was rushing! I was thinking I can't do this!!! But no time to waste. A second push and the head was out. A bit of panting and a third push came, I looked down at my feet under me and there on the bed was my beautiful little girl, crying away. I scooped her up into my arms and rolled onto my back. We had this amazing moment on the bed where I placed her to my chest and just paused to take the moment in.

She became relaxed and we just looked at each other and for that split second it was like there was only me, her and my husband in the room.

She then peed on me.

It's 7.38 pm, just half an hour after I got to hospital and here is my baby girl xxxx

I felt AMAZING!!! Literally like a super hero. I had gotten my secret wish of a natural non medicated delivery. I feel like I could run a marathon. I just kept smiling saying I can't believe it!!!!

Pillow biting

I went back home after my Drs appointment to continue contractions. I needed distraction so I did a jigsaw with my mummy. They were still about 10 mins apart at 4pm. I was thrilled that there was no pain in my back so, no back labor. What a relief. My daughter is due back home in an hour so I need to put a brave face on.

Not easy to do when you feel like someone is shoving a knife up your bottom and wiggling it around.

I just breathed through them and walked around. I knew I had 10 mins to play with between contractions so I was a hive of activity for those 10 mins. I have still not had my show.

My daughter came home and I managed to keep a brave face while she ate dinner. It then became very intense. Felt like someone was pulling my intestines out of my ass like a bag of giblets from a chicken. I decided now was the time to go upstairs and hide it from my daughter.

By now it was 6pm and the contractions were 8 mins apart. My husband put my daughter to bed and came into the bedroom to find me biting my pillow and crying. It was time to call the midwife and see what to do

The final countdown

My regular Drs appointment was at 10.30am on the 20th. As you know from my earlier post I had been having contractions since 2.55am. I text my midwife at 8ish to ask if I should still go. She said that if the contractions get very close together or the pain is too much then we will just arrange to go to hospital. Usually the rule is 511. 5 mins apart, lasting a minute, for an hour. Mine were between 7 and 10 minutes.

I was now getting a little uncomfortable so I decided to use my old faithful the bathtub for labor. I ran a nice Luke warm bath and sank into it up to my neck and watched Twilight. The new one. The one with the horrendous DIY C Section scene. Wow that was a good idea......NOT!!!

I then noticed my contractions were getting further apart!!! WTF!!!! Can't we just get this done already?

With them now being every 12 minutes we decided to go for our Drs apt. First was a sono to see how big baby is and how the fluid levels are. My mummy is here too so she came in aswell. We got to see the baby's face and I was in hysterics. You know when a baby pushes their nose up against a pane of glass? Well that's what baby's nose looked like. She was way down in the uterus and her head was being squished so she had a mega flat nose.

She looked to be about 7 pound 9 ounces which again was a relief. I dont want to risk the pelvis to a small hippo!!!! All in all everything looked good.

Next was the examination. I was dreading this as the midwife was going to strip the membranes much more aggressively. I knew I was going to be uncomfortable. First thing she did was check if I had dilated anymore. GREAT news!!!! I am now 4 cm!!!! Cervix is still a little thick but it means I only have 6 to go. My midwife had a good sweep round and did everything to loosen it all up. I now have visions of me preparing my chicken for Sunday roast lol!

Now I went in for my non stress test. This is usually about half an hour of you resting in a comfy chair whilst being hooked up to a monitor. It monitors contractions and the heartbeat to make sure baby is tolerating labor.

Luckily after many minutes chasing baby girl around the uterus we got a good trace and saw she was in no distress.

All I can do now is go home and ride this labor out.

Houston we have lift off

On the 19th Feb I had a call from my midwife just asking if there have been any changes. There hadn't been so she offered me a couple of ways to encourage labor.

One was nipple stimulation. If you have a breast pump you can use that. If not in my case the. You can just use your fingers to twist those melons man. Also just to try and relax me a cheeky glass of wine was allowed. Just the one! And not one of those glasses that are like buckets!!!

I drank my wine and decided to go upstairs in the bath and let nipple twisting commence. It felt a bit embarrassing at first but then each time I did it I would have a really strong Braxton hick contraction. I did it for about 20 minutes. Now with a wrist cramp that any virile teenage boy would be proud of, I settled into bed.

At 2.55am on the 20th I was woken from a deep sleep by a proper contraction. Those of you who it is your first time, you will know the difference. You cannot talk through it, you may double over in pain. Your natural instinct is to just sit down and breathe through it.

About 10 mins later , another one, then another one. It is at this point I woke my husband up with our code word "Oklahoma"! He looked at me dazily and then the penny dropped and he had a big smile and said "really!!!"

I then told him To go back to sleep (yeah right as if he could) and I will keep him posted and track my contractions

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Contact is made...

Today I had a Drs appointment and it was great although a little bizarre. I am now pretty much at my due date. I decided to have my Midwife check my cervix. I was a little disappointed last week that there was no change but this time I am pleased to say that the door is ajar! I am
nearly 2 cm dilated. Also the cervix has softened. Hopefully the evening primrose has worked well, that and the curry I had last night.

So now for the bizarre part! The midwife was stripping my membranes. This sounds like gutting a piece of game but nope nothing like that, it is basically like a finger sweep around the inside of the cervix to try and stimulate it to do its thing and open up already. I will warn you for those of you who this is your first time, it can be pretty uncomfortable and even painful. I'm ok with it now as after one birth there is plenty of room up there.

While my midwife was stripping the membrane she let me know that she could indeed feel the baby's head!!!! I was shocked and said "really!" she said yes watch this, she pushed gently back and forth and you could clearly see and I could feel the baby moving up and down. It was amazing. The midwife has made first contact with my little girl.

It made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside and desperate for a pee lol!

So the next stage for me, if I haven't had the baby this weekend I am going in on Monday for a sono and also a non stress test.

The sono usually sees whether there is enough fluid, the placenta is not deteriorating and the baby is ok. The none stress test is basically where you are hooked up to a monitor across your belly, it tracks the heartbeat and any contractions you have. It's nice and relaxing as you get to sit down and chill out. Bring a book or something to do. I am taking my crochet with me.

After that my midwife will do a more aggressive stripping of the membrane. I envisage a car jack being used and a pit pony being sent down with a mining crew hahahahah!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Are we there yet?

I have managed to turn into that annoying petulant child that sits in the back of the car yelling ,"are we there yet?" every 5 minutes. I am feeling a little bit crampy. My mind just tells me that I am playing tricks on myself and that it is just trapped gas.

I feel bloated and literally like a whale. Sleeping at night is an issue. I think it is partly the fact that I am excited to meet her and the other part is sheer lack of comfort.

I am trying to keep myself busy and on my feet as much as I can so that gravity will do its thing.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Pull the plug already

No I'm not in the bath. I am just impatiently waiting for my mucous plug to dislodge. Wow that sounds gorgeous doesn't it.

I didnt notice it first time round as I pretty much went straight to the bloody show.

My toilet trips now are mainly spent checking out the gusset of my knickers. Why do we do this to ourselves????? Jennifer Garner, Ben Aflecks Mrs is due to pop any day, I hardly think she goes to lunch at the ivy and then Pops to the loo to check the gusset of her knickers out.

I don't know why I bother because there is never anything there.

The funniest thing is last time I almost missed my bloody show. I went to the loo at night and didn't flush as I didnt want to wake husband, it was him who spotted it the next morning.

Almost Epic fail. Anyway, the mucous plug an dislodge way before labor on occasion but it is typically a good sign it is on its way. For me it was the bloody show, I went into labor shortly afterwards.

Waking up and thinking WTF???

As my due date gets nearer and nearer my dreams get weirder and weirder.
I don't mean Twilight zone weird but Quentin Tarantino on acid weird.

Lately I have felt increased pressure in my pelvis area and what almost feels like poking inside my bottom. I had the most strange dream last night because of this feeling.

I dreamt I was walking down the street just doing some window shopping when that familiar poke started happening. I kept on walking and it got stronger. All of a sudden a hand comes out of my bottom and starts waving at passers by. The bizarre part is that people were acting like its normal and actually coming up and shaking hands with her.

I then wanted to eat but I had to find a restaurant with a chair with a hole in the seat so that her hand won't get crushed. I couldn't find one so I started doing the old uma Thurman 1 inch punch to put a hole in the seat and the. I sat down to eat. End of dream.

Weird ha? I blame sleep deprivation due to constant having to pee in the night.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

MidnIght waltz

Most nights now I tend to not sleep. It is more like a coordinated waltz between my bed and the toilet. The hardest part is I go for a wee, lean forward and try squeeze every last bit out. Think I am all done so I get off the loo to wipe myself and as I have my hand there I then decide oh no there is more pee. Twice last night I peed on my hand.

It reminds me of after I gave birth to my daughter. I had the bowel control of a puppy. The slightest movement and I would pee. I wouldn't even feel it or even have an urge to go. I am now doing kegel muscle exercises like mad.

I always used to think Tena lady were for older people but they seriously were great after my first delivery. I wouldn't say I need them now but I need to gain more control.

Luckily now I am off I can catch up on some sleep as I didn't really get any last night.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Knowing when to stop...

Those people that know me know that I am a workaholic. Of course then it was a difficult decision as to when I should stop working.

I wanted to try and work right up till the day but my body had other ideas. I am so stubborn I don't listen to anyone. The only person who seems to get through my thick skull is my midwife, much to my best friends dismay.

I went to my Drs apt last Wednesday and my midwife broached the subject of leaving work. I broke down in tears. What the heck was I crying for???? I love my job. I was just plain exhausted. All I wanted to do was just curl up in a ball and have someone lay a nice warm blanket on me. My midwife gave me a reality check and said "if you are tired right now, what are you going to be like when the baby is here?"

Holy crap why hadn't I thought of it that way??? It's plain obvious but I didn't even think of that. I just thought I will soldier on and get on with it. It must be the English in me but I refuse to give up and admit weakness. I bit the bullet, called my hubby then spoke to my boss and we decided Friday last week would be my last day.

It felt very bizarre walking out on Friday but I literally felt like I could sleep at my desk on Friday. I just want to put my feet up and rest.

Walking now looks ridiculous. I walk like those alien robots at the beginning on the film Fifth Element. It literally feels like I have a marrow hanging out my bits. It's mental. The Braxton Hicks have been getting more and more Intense and they create pain right down in between my legs.

I use visualization to imagine my cervix opening. It sounds foolish but I like to think it helps. We will truly see on Wednesday.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Sober superbowl

Fir me this is not my first sober superbowl but I know there may be some of you out there that think there is just no substitute. Take solace in the fact that there is a great substitute.

I have been drinking non alcoholic beer called "buckler" it is imported from Holland and it actually tastes like beer. It doesn't have a horrid aftertaste and it doesn't smell like you should wash your paint brushes in it. It's nice and smooth.

I also used to make mocktails. Mojito mix with soda water and fresh mint is nice. Non alcoholic champers with cranberry or pomegranate juice is great too. The one thing I have still to find is a non alcoholic wine that doesn't taste like bile, you know that bile when you are drunk and vomiting but you have no food in your stomach, yeah that bile that makes your teeth all furry.

Well I am watching my home team the NY Giants and know I can taste beer and there will be no hangover and no harm to baby. Win win all round!!!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Does yer bump hang low can you tie it in a bow...

This little girl has moved down WAY low in my pelvis. My Drs apt yesterday was great. We did not check the cervix again. We are going to do that on Wednesday but I found out the baby is facing the right way. This is such a good sign and I hope it lasts. My daughter was back to back and it caused an over due date and a painful delivery.

This one is lying with her back on my left side and her feet tucked up on my right side. I am spending the majority of my evenings on my hands and knees making sure that gravity takes its effect. I hope and pray that it lasts!

The bump is so low I mean it is practically hanging below my lady garden. The whole bump has changed shape. I will be doing a belly cast this weekend to make sure I capture the bump. I did this last time and it turned out great.

I have had alot of awfully strong Braxton hicks. They give alot of pressure right down in the pelvis I mean I literally feel like a babies arm might just flop out of my vajayjay!!! I don't know if I need a poo or of I need to fart or if I have a babies head poking out.

I really hope that this is all good signs. I am hoping to be more dilated on Wednesday when I go to the docs

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Evening Primrose

Ok so now that I am 37 weeks and 1cm dilated I am gonna be open to all suggestions to get this baby out. My midwife told me of a great trick involving Evening primrose oil.

Basically twice a day you get an evening primrose capsule, prick it with a needle and shove it up your hoohaa as close to the cervix as you can get it. If you shake hands with your baby you have pushed it too far. You need to make sure the pin is sterile and your hands clean to avoid infection.

The theory is that the oil helps soften the cervix. For all I know it might not do anything but I trust my midwife and I am open to anything. I laughed at our last appointment as she said "right! We are not going overdue on this one" she has a conference at the end of February so I am all up for an early arrival.

Suddenly a nice curry followed by a drive down the railroad tracks sounds appealing.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

There's a hole in my bucket dear Liza dear Liza

Today I we t to the OBGYN visit to have my weekly check. We started off like normal with listening to the heart beat. The baby is lying with her back on my left side and her heart beat was nice and strong.

The next part was the group B Strep test. If you have not had this before then you really need not worry. It is literally a cotton bud on a long stick and they just wipe it from the top to the bottom of your lady garden. It is not like a pap as they do not go internally. It's nice and quick.

At the end my midwife offered to do an internal exam to see how the cervix is looking. This is done to get a baseline test to compare to later on. I was fine with that as I was figuring last time I was literally super glued shut until the day I delivered. It was very frustrating last time. Every Drs appointment the cervix was high and closed shut.

So imagine my surprise when my midwife said I am 1 cm dilated!!!! I was shocked and SO excited!

The exam itself can be a little uncomfortable. The midwife has to push her fingers way up to your cervix to see how many fingers she can get in there. My advice is just relax and breathe. If you tense up it will become painful.

I am so surprised! I am still 4 weeks away from my due date. This doesn't necessarily mean I will go early. I could still go over due. I am hoping that will not happen. The signs look good so we will just have to wait till next Wednesday to see if there has been any other changes.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Lightening, wonderful lightening!

Late last week I got that wonderful feeling where it feels as if someone has just lifted a 20 pound weight off your chest.  I can now breathe deeply again, I can eat a normal person sized meal without it upchucking all over the place and most of all I can now string a sentence together without sweating and panting.

This does come at a price.  I now have the fattest most ridiculous looking lady garden as all that area has clearly swollen whithin an inch of its life.  I now walk like I have just had a red hot poker inserted up my bottom.  I swear I saw myself on Happy Feet.

You will definitely notice when this happens as one minute you have a nice handy shelf to rest your phone, cup of tea or dinner plate on and the next minute its more of a ski jump.  I have lost my shelf.  Its a good sign though.  its a sign that baby is getting herself ready.

It feels better at night too as when you lie down you dont feel like hulk hogan has just sat on your chest.  Going up the stairs I still sound like a chronic asthmatic but otherwise I am doing well.

I have a Drs appointment so I will let you know what happens.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Are We nearly there yet?

Oh I feel like a WHALE!!!!! I am now 36 weeks and just feel like I am destined to be pregnant for EVER!

My nicknames in the office range from porterhouse to waddles. My darling husband refers to me as "chubs" I feel like the fat kid from the goonies. Do I need to stand outside and do the truffle shuffle.

My bump is slowly getting lower but I have not had the "lightening" stage yet. You will know when this happens as you will realize you can breathe again. I have not gotten there yet. I currently am at the stage of " I must walk or talk" I can't do both as I end up sounding like the fat dude off jackass after just finishing some weird stunt with wee man.

The Braxton Hicks are getting much stronger. Some take my breath a little and they make me really need a poo. I like to think that the baby gets a hug every time I have a contraction. That makes them feel nicer.

Still no stretch marks yet. I have been lucky. My belly hasn't itched as much as last time. I was so itchy I swear people must have thought I had crabs or something. I guess my belly just figured oh I remember this from last time. Will it go back as well as it did last time? God only knows!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Much better today

Today I am much better!!!! Still didn't sleep fabulously but going to bed at 7.15 last night to just completely relax. It was sorely needed. I sat there in bed unable to get comfy so I tried different positions. Finally I got on all fours and piled up a load of pillows to lean on. This left my belly to hang free. Oh bliss!!!!

All I need to do now is find my hot water bottles and I am sorted. I feel much more mobile today and also not such an emotional wreck!

Here is to staying positive!!!!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Waaaaaaaaaa! Waaaaaaaaaa!

That was what my hubby heard mostly today from me. I had an ABSOLUTE meltdown. Today was not good. It started with me not sleeping at all last night. I was exhausted. I then felt like the baby moved down a little so I was extremely uncomfortable. I got a headache, felt sick and have painful legs. Definitely something I will be mentioning to the midwife on Wednesday. I just have not felt well all day. In fact the pain in my back felt just like the early back labor I had with my first born.

It was literally like the small of my back was on fire. My inside of my lady garden felt like it was stretching but that is probably psychological.

I had tried to nap while my daughter was napping this afternoon. I basically have a 3 hour window. I couldn't sleep so I went downstairs and just broke down into tears. I felt useless and doubted my abilities as a mum. I felt like I just couldn't keep going as if it was all fine because today it was not. I then realized I still have 5 weeks to go and that tipped me over the edge.

I then have the reality check and remember that there are people out there who would love to be at the stage I'm at so I need to remember that and realize how lucky I am and to stop wallowing in self pity.

Please pray for a good night sleep tonight.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Weird craving

Two words!!!!! Sugar puffs!!!!! Oh my god! I am sat in the bath right now watching shameless on NetFlix. The UK shameless not the American one. All I can think about is eating a massive bowl of sugar puffs covered in ice cold whole milk. In fact I would like the bath to be full of sugar puffs. It's not even the branded stuff, it's our local supermarkets own brand that doesn't even come in a box, it comes in a bag.

Yes, it might smell of the first pee of the morning but I can't help myself.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Artistic flair or just plain exhibitionist

This weekend I had something done that I will never forget. No mummy I haven't got a tattoo and no more piercings. It all started from Halloween when I painted my belly to look like a pumpkin.

It turned out there was an artist at the local school and a photographer who had an idea and they just needed a guinea pig. Preferably a heavily pregnant guinea pig. Hello! I'm your guinea pig. The idea was to start adding to the photography and have an artist paint your belly whilst pregnant and have professional photos taken. That is actually paint ON your belly, not have a painting done OF your belly.

The design we chose was a cherry tree with blossom blowing in the wind. There was also a butterfly to signify my daughter as she has butterflies all over her room.

It was STUNNING! I turned up and got to the studio and I thought right let's strip down! Hell if we are gonna showcase this let's do this properly. So off came the bra and out came the fun bags too. How on earth was this artist going to put that stunning work on to my bulbous boobs and belly?????

She did it though! An hour forty five later she was done and it looked amazing. 10 mins of photography and the session was complete.

I can't wait to see the pictures and I can highly recommend this creative unique way of remembering the pregnancy. No one else is doing it in our area so I hope this works out well for the artist and photographer.

I just hope people don't think that I am an escaped manity from sea world!

Henry the Eighth: complete twat but also complete genius

Well I guess I better explain myself. Out of all the monarchs in England I have never read as much literature as I have about Henry 8th. I don't know if it's because he was a complete arshole or that he was the only person brave enough to claim himself the head of the church but recently I realized he is a friggin genius.

Whether he got the idea from watching one of his many ill fated wives being pregnant or not but he saw a problem and he found a solution.

In Hampton Court Henry by now being the size of a small planet struck upon a problem that I am also experiencing. I can no longer eat my food with the plate on the table as I can't bend forward enough to eat it. I have to put my plate on my bump and sit back and eat it that way.

Henry's solution? Cut a hole for your belly in the table!!! BINGO! Pass me 6 pheasants wench and top up my Meade! How simple and how effective!

That bloke was an absolute mentalist but I can't help but love the guy.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Legs akimbo!

This little one doesn't seem to know the meaning of nice gentle fluid leg movement. Nope! Sadly this young bean thinks she is auditioning for the Rockettes. My whole belly today veered off to one side when she kicked her legs to the left and her bum to the right. I looked like some weird Pablo Picasso style abstract.

The movements of the baby now feel really uncomfortable. It squishes everything so tight. I can't eat as much now as I just feel sick when she moves. Her bottom is easily identifiable and her back too. I can feel her legs every now and then. It makes it VERY real!

When she hiccups now I feel uncomfortable. Jeez I'm never bloody happy am I haha! No joking aside, I am really excited. 6 weeks to go! I cannot wait to meet her and introduce her to Emily. This is really happening isnt it!!!!!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Taking the strain

I'm at that stage now where I have no idea if I need a poo or if it is just the baby heading on down for a little look around my cervix. I will be sitting there one minute absolutely fine and then oh there we go! Gotta go curl one out.

I waddle on down to the ladies as quick as I can and sit there. Now I have to contend with the stupid automatic lights that switch off after 5 mins of no movement lol pun completely intended.

I then have this urge to try and push it out but then my stupid mothers brain says I shouldn't do that as I always think what it I strain too hard and push the baby out. I mean has that ever happened? Is it even scientifically possible. 3 minutes and Counting and still no joy. I then do the old Lamaze pant to see if that will shift things. If there is still no joy the. It must just be that little baby is taking a look around.

For you first timers don't strain. For one thing you need to keep breathing normally for baby. So don't hold your breath and push just yet Secondly you will only get a nose bleed or burst a blood vessel in your eye. Thirdly just look at the ridiculous face you are pulling. That is SO not attractive and trust me we all need to look our best right now.

I feel like sea world are gonna house me in their manity enclosure soon!

Just over 6 weeks to go now can you believe it!!!!!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy new year!

Holy Crap I'm having a baby next month. I woke up this morning and just realized this. It was lovely to wake up and not have a hangover or be hugging the toilet or wondering g where my left shoe went to and where did that bruise come from?

It is definitely a different type of holiday when you are sober but it is refreshing. I was at a party last night watching everyone else getting drunk. I had to retire early sadly as I was exhausted. I had a very sore back so I went to bed and must have just collapsed as I woke up in the same position.

I hope you all have a very prosperous new year. I am really looking forward to meeting my 2nd daughter x

Much love xxxx