Thursday, November 17, 2011

Eat your heart out William Hurt........

So we should all by now have seen the famous "chest burster" scene from Alien where William Hurt has an epic conclusion to his breakfast.

Thats what I felt like this morning.............minus the hollywood paycheck and charming breakfast with Sigourney Weaver.  I had some breakfast, namely AppleJacks mixed with Raisin Bran (yes I know that is the most grose concoction but just go with it).  Clearly baby was a little over excited as when I got to work my belly ressembled one of those shiatsu massage cushions where the mechanical claw moves around under the cloth.

I decided to truly monopolize on this and freak out one of our younger gentlemen employees.  I asked if he wanted to see something weird.  Lets just put it this way I think it may have worked his upchuck reflex a little bit.

It is so lovely feeling all these movements.  It is so reassuring and when you can clearly feel what limb is sticking out it is such a magical experience.  I just wish that all our darling husbands could feel this.

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